Sunday, March 30, 2008

Waiting for summer

When I look at this painting, it transports me to the beach; I could feel the summer sun shining, and the sound and smell of the salty waves crashing onto shore.

At the beach
12 x 16 inches, oil on canvas board

Missing my pants

Painting the fingers for me always takes a while. Although hands and fingers may seem less significant than the face (in regards to figure paintings), they can actually tell alot about the subject. The way they're clenched nervously or opened loosely, close to the torso with both palms on the thighs or an elbow rests languidly on the armrest is all part of the body language.
The bedsheet in the original picture had floral prints, but I left them out as it would take too much time.

Too bright
16 x 20 inches, oil on canvas board